Why does java wait so long to run the garbage collector?

后端 未结 6 1545
傲寒 2020-12-05 17:12

I am building a Java web app, using the Play! Framework. I\'m hosting it on playapps.net. I have been puzzling for a while over the provided graphs of memory consumption.

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-05 17:27

    Any detailed answer is going to depend on which garbage collector you're using, but there are some things that are basically the same across all (modern, sun/oracle) GCs.

    Every time you see the usage in the graph go down, that is a garbage collection. The only way heap gets freed is through garbage collection. The thing is there are two types of garbage collections, minor and full. The heap gets divided into two basic "areas." Young and tenured. (There are lots more subgroups in reality.) Anything that is taking up space in Young and is still in use when the minor GC comes along to free up some memory, is going to get 'promoted' into tenured. Once something makes the leap into tenured, it sits around indefinitely until the heap has no free space and a full garbage collection is necessary.

    So one interpretation of that graph is that your young generation is fairly small (by default it can be a fairly small % of total heap on some JVMs) and you're keeping objects "alive" for comparatively very long times. (perhaps you're holding references to them in the web session?) So your objects are 'surviving' garbage collections until they get promoted into tenured space, where they stick around indefinitely until the JVM is well and good truly out of memory.

    Again, that's just one common situation that fits with the data you have. Would need full details about the JVM configuration and the GC logs to really tell for sure what's going on.
