Is it possible to detect a valid regular expression with another regular expression? If so please give example code below.
The following example by Paul McGuire, originally from the pyparsing wiki, but now available only through the Wayback Machine, gives a grammar for parsing some regexes, for the purposes of returning the set of matching strings. As such, it rejects those re's that include unbounded repetition terms, like '+' and '*'. But it should give you an idea about how to structure a parser that would process re's.
# Copyright 2008, Paul McGuire
# pyparsing script to expand a regular expression into all possible matching strings
# Supports:
# - {n} and {m,n} repetition, but not unbounded + or * repetition
# - ? optional elements
# - [] character ranges
# - () grouping
# - | alternation
__all__ = ["count","invert"]
from pyparsing import (Literal, oneOf, printables, ParserElement, Combine,
SkipTo, operatorPrecedence, ParseFatalException, Word, nums, opAssoc,
Suppress, ParseResults, srange)
class CharacterRangeEmitter(object):
def __init__(self,chars):
# remove duplicate chars in character range, but preserve original order
seen = set()
self.charset = "".join( seen.add(c) or c for c in chars if c not in seen )
def __str__(self):
return '['+self.charset+']'
def __repr__(self):
return '['+self.charset+']'
def makeGenerator(self):
def genChars():
for s in self.charset:
yield s
return genChars
class OptionalEmitter(object):
def __init__(self,expr):
self.expr = expr
def makeGenerator(self):
def optionalGen():
yield ""
for s in self.expr.makeGenerator()():
yield s
return optionalGen
class DotEmitter(object):
def makeGenerator(self):
def dotGen():
for c in printables:
yield c
return dotGen
class GroupEmitter(object):
def __init__(self,exprs):
self.exprs = ParseResults(exprs)
def makeGenerator(self):
def groupGen():
def recurseList(elist):
if len(elist)==1:
for s in elist[0].makeGenerator()():
yield s
for s in elist[0].makeGenerator()():
for s2 in recurseList(elist[1:]):
yield s + s2
if self.exprs:
for s in recurseList(self.exprs):
yield s
return groupGen
class AlternativeEmitter(object):
def __init__(self,exprs):
self.exprs = exprs
def makeGenerator(self):
def altGen():
for e in self.exprs:
for s in e.makeGenerator()():
yield s
return altGen
class LiteralEmitter(object):
def __init__(self,lit):
self.lit = lit
def __str__(self):
return "Lit:"+self.lit
def __repr__(self):
return "Lit:"+self.lit
def makeGenerator(self):
def litGen():
yield self.lit
return litGen
def handleRange(toks):
return CharacterRangeEmitter(srange(toks[0]))
def handleRepetition(toks):
if toks[1] in "*+":
raise ParseFatalException("",0,"unbounded repetition operators not supported")
if toks[1] == "?":
return OptionalEmitter(toks[0])
if "count" in toks:
return GroupEmitter([toks[0]] * int(toks.count))
if "minCount" in toks:
mincount = int(toks.minCount)
maxcount = int(toks.maxCount)
optcount = maxcount - mincount
if optcount:
opt = OptionalEmitter(toks[0])
for i in range(1,optcount):
opt = OptionalEmitter(GroupEmitter([toks[0],opt]))
return GroupEmitter([toks[0]] * mincount + [opt])
return [toks[0]] * mincount
def handleLiteral(toks):
lit = ""
for t in toks:
if t[0] == "\\":
if t[1] == "t":
lit += '\t'
lit += t[1]
lit += t
return LiteralEmitter(lit)
def handleMacro(toks):
macroChar = toks[0][1]
if macroChar == "d":
return CharacterRangeEmitter("0123456789")
elif macroChar == "w":
return CharacterRangeEmitter(srange("[A-Za-z0-9_]"))
elif macroChar == "s":
return LiteralEmitter(" ")
raise ParseFatalException("",0,"unsupported macro character (" + macroChar + ")")
def handleSequence(toks):
return GroupEmitter(toks[0])
def handleDot():
return CharacterRangeEmitter(printables)
def handleAlternative(toks):
return AlternativeEmitter(toks[0])
_parser = None
def parser():
global _parser
if _parser is None:
lbrack,rbrack,lbrace,rbrace,lparen,rparen = map(Literal,"[]{}()")
reMacro = Combine("\\" + oneOf(list("dws")))
escapedChar = ~reMacro + Combine("\\" + oneOf(list(printables)))
reLiteralChar = "".join(c for c in printables if c not in r"\[]{}().*?+|") + " \t"
reRange = Combine(lbrack + SkipTo(rbrack,ignore=escapedChar) + rbrack)
reLiteral = ( escapedChar | oneOf(list(reLiteralChar)) )
reDot = Literal(".")
repetition = (
( lbrace + Word(nums).setResultsName("count") + rbrace ) |
( lbrace + Word(nums).setResultsName("minCount")+","+ Word(nums).setResultsName("maxCount") + rbrace ) |
reTerm = ( reLiteral | reRange | reMacro | reDot )
reExpr = operatorPrecedence( reTerm,
(repetition, 1, opAssoc.LEFT, handleRepetition),
(None, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, handleSequence),
(Suppress('|'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT, handleAlternative),
_parser = reExpr
return _parser
def count(gen):
"""Simple function to count the number of elements returned by a generator."""
i = 0
for s in gen:
i += 1
return i
def invert(regex):
"""Call this routine as a generator to return all the strings that
match the input regular expression.
for s in invert("[A-Z]{3}\d{3}"):
print s
invReGenerator = GroupEmitter(parser().parseString(regex)).makeGenerator()
return invReGenerator()
def main():
tests = r"""
(a|b) (x|y)
for t in tests:
t = t.strip()
if not t: continue
print '-'*50
print t
print count(invert(t))
for s in invert(t):
print s
except ParseFatalException,pfe:
print pfe.msg
if __name__ == "__main__":