I\'m trying to access an XML file within a jar file, from a separate jar that\'s running as a desktop application. I can get the URL to the file I need, but when I pass tha
I have 2 CSV files that I use to read data. The java program is exported as a runnable jar file. When you export it, you will figure out it doesn't export your resources with it.
I added a folder under project called data in eclipse. In that folder i stored my csv files.
When I need to reference those files I do it like this...
private static final String ZIP_FILE_LOCATION_PRIMARY = "free-zipcode-database-Primary.csv";
private static final String ZIP_FILE_LOCATION = "free-zipcode-database.csv";
private static String getFileLocation(){
String loc = new File("").getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar +
"data" + File.separatorChar;
if (usePrimaryZipCodesOnly()){
loc = loc.concat(ZIP_FILE_LOCATION_PRIMARY);
} else {
loc = loc.concat(ZIP_FILE_LOCATION);
return loc;
Then when you put the jar in a location so it can be ran via commandline, make sure that you add the data folder with the resources into the same location as the jar file.