I have a table like this...
CustomerID DBColumnName Data
1 FirstName Joe
1 MiddleName
Ok, sorry for the poor question. gbn got me on the right track. This is what I was looking for in an answer.
SELECT [FirstName], [MiddleName], [LastName], [Date]
FROM #temp
( MIN([Data])
FOR [DBColumnName] IN ([FirstName], [MiddleName], [LastName], [Date])
)AS p
Then I had to use a while statement and build the above statement as a varchar and use dynmaic sql.
Using something like this
SET @fullsql = @fullsql + 'SELECT ' + REPLACE(REPLACE(@fulltext,'(',''),')','')
SET @fullsql = @fullsql + 'FROM #temp '
SET @fullsql = @fullsql + 'PIVOT'
SET @fullsql = @fullsql + '('
SET @fullsql = @fullsql + ' MIN([Data])'
SET @fullsql = @fullsql + ' FOR [DBColumnName] IN '+@fulltext
SET @fullsql = @fullsql + ')'
SET @fullsql = @fullsql + 'AS p'
EXEC (@fullsql)
Having a to build @fulltext using a while loop and select the distinct column names out of the table. Thanks for the answers.