I need to tell if my device has Internet connection or not. I found many answers like:
private boolean isNetworkAvailable() {
ConnectivityManager connect
I have modified THelper's answer slightly, to use a known hack that Android already uses to check if the connected WiFi network has Internet access. This is a lot more efficient over grabbing the entire Google home page. See here and here for more info.
public static boolean hasInternetAccess(Context context) {
if (isNetworkAvailable(context)) {
try {
HttpURLConnection urlc = (HttpURLConnection)
(new URL("http://clients3.google.com/generate_204")
urlc.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Android");
urlc.setRequestProperty("Connection", "close");
return (urlc.getResponseCode() == 204 &&
urlc.getContentLength() == 0);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error checking internet connection", e);
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "No network available!");
return false;