I\'ve recently read about the getattr() function. The problem is that I still can\'t grasp the idea of its usage. The only thing I understand about getattr()
It is also clarifying from https://www.programiz.com/python-programming/methods/built-in/getattr
class Person:
age = 23
name = "Adam"
person = Person()
print('The age is:', getattr(person, "age"))
print('The age is:', person.age)
The age is: 23
The age is: 23
class Person:
age = 23
name = "Adam"
person = Person()
# when default value is provided
print('The sex is:', getattr(person, 'sex', 'Male'))
# when no default value is provided
print('The sex is:', getattr(person, 'sex'))
The sex is: Male
AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute 'sex'