My git
client repeatedly fails with the following error after trying to clone the repository for some time.
What could be the issue here?
The tricks above did not help me, as the repo was larger than the max push size allowed at github. What did work was a recommendation from which suggested pushing a bit at a time:
If your branch has a long history, you can try pushing a smaller number of commits at a time (say, 2000) with something like this:
git rev-list --reverse master | ruby -ne 'i ||= 0; i += 1; puts $_ if i % 2000 == 0' | xargs -I{} git push origin +{}:refs/heads/master
That will walk through the history of master, pushing objects 2000 at a time. (You can, of course, substitute a different branch in both places if you like.) When that's done, you should be able to push master one final time, and things should be up to date. If 2000 is too many and you hit the problem again, you can adjust the number so it's smaller.