I am learning Unity from a Swift SpriteKit background where moving a sprite\'s x Position is as straight forward as an running an action as below:
let moveLe
The answer of git1 is good but there is another solution if you do not want to use couritines.
You can use InvokeRepeating
to repeatedly trigger a function.
float duration; //duration of movement
float durationTime; //this will be the value used to check if Time.time passed the current duration set
void Start()
void StartMovement()
InvokeRepeating("MovementFunction", Time.deltaTime, Time.deltaTime); //Time.deltaTime is the time passed between two frames
durationTime = Time.time + duration; //This is how long the invoke will repeat
void MovementFunction()
if(durationTime > Time.time)
CancelInvoke("MovementFunction"); //Stop the invoking of this function