I\'ve had quite a bit of trouble trying to write a function that checks if a string is a number. For a game I am writing I just need to check if a line from the file I am r
My solution using C++11 regex (#include
), it can be used for more precise check, like unsigned int
, double
static const std::regex INT_TYPE("[+-]?[0-9]+");
static const std::regex UNSIGNED_INT_TYPE("[+]?[0-9]+");
static const std::regex DOUBLE_TYPE("[+-]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]+");
static const std::regex UNSIGNED_DOUBLE_TYPE("[+]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]+");
bool isIntegerType(const std::string& str_)
return std::regex_match(str_, INT_TYPE);
bool isUnsignedIntegerType(const std::string& str_)
return std::regex_match(str_, UNSIGNED_INT_TYPE);
bool isDoubleType(const std::string& str_)
return std::regex_match(str_, DOUBLE_TYPE);
bool isUnsignedDoubleType(const std::string& str_)
return std::regex_match(str_, UNSIGNED_DOUBLE_TYPE);
You can find this code at http://ideone.com/lyDtfi, this can be easily modified to meet the requirements.