I have the following:
let mut my_number = 32.90;
How do I print the type of my_number
Using type
Some other answers don't work, but I find that the typename crate works.
Create a new project:
cargo new test_typename
Modify the Cargo.toml
typename = "0.1.1"
Modify your source code
use typename::TypeName;
fn main() {
assert_eq!(String::type_name(), "std::string::String");
assert_eq!(Vec::::type_name(), "std::vec::Vec");
assert_eq!([0, 1, 2].type_name_of(), "[i32; 3]");
let a = 65u8;
let b = b'A';
let c = 65;
let d = 65i8;
let e = 65i32;
let f = 65u32;
let arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
let first = arr[0];
println!("type of a 65u8 {} is {}", a, a.type_name_of());
println!("type of b b'A' {} is {}", b, b.type_name_of());
println!("type of c 65 {} is {}", c, c.type_name_of());
println!("type of d 65i8 {} is {}", d, d.type_name_of());
println!("type of e 65i32 {} is {}", e, e.type_name_of());
println!("type of f 65u32 {} is {}", f, f.type_name_of());
println!("type of arr {:?} is {}", arr, arr.type_name_of());
println!("type of first {} is {}", first, first.type_name_of());
The output is:
type of a 65u8 65 is u8
type of b b'A' 65 is u8
type of c 65 65 is i32
type of d 65i8 65 is i8
type of e 65i32 65 is i32
type of f 65u32 65 is u32
type of arr [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] is [i32; 5]
type of first 1 is i32