Does anybody know if Selenium (WebDriver preferably) is able to communicate with and act through a browser that is already running before launching a Selenium Client?
It is possible. But you have to hack it a little, there is a code What you have to do is to run stand alone server and "patch" RemoteWebDriver
public class CustomRemoteWebDriver : RemoteWebDriver
public static bool newSession;
public static string capPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "TestFiles", "tmp", "sessionCap");
public static string sessiodIdPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "TestFiles", "tmp", "sessionid");
public CustomRemoteWebDriver(Uri remoteAddress)
: base(remoteAddress, new DesiredCapabilities())
protected override Response Execute(DriverCommand driverCommandToExecute, Dictionary parameters)
if (driverCommandToExecute == DriverCommand.NewSession)
if (!newSession)
var capText = File.ReadAllText(capPath);
var sidText = File.ReadAllText(sessiodIdPath);
var cap = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(capText);
return new Response
SessionId = sidText,
Value = cap
var response = base.Execute(driverCommandToExecute, parameters);
var dictionary = (Dictionary) response.Value;
File.WriteAllText(capPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dictionary));
File.WriteAllText(sessiodIdPath, response.SessionId);
return response;
var response = base.Execute(driverCommandToExecute, parameters);
return response;