How do I get a T4 template to generate its output on every build? As it is now, it only regenerates it when I make a change to the template.
I have found other ques
I used JoelFan's answer to come up w/ this. I like it better because you don't have to remember to modify the pre-build event every time you add a new .tt file to the project.
transform_all ..\..
@echo off
:: set the working dir (default to current dir)
set wdir=%cd%
if not (%1)==() set wdir=%1
:: set the file extension (default to vb)
set extension=vb
if not (%2)==() set extension=%2
echo executing transform_all from %wdir%
:: create a list of all the T4 templates in the working dir
dir %wdir%\*.tt /b /s > t4list.txt
echo the following T4 templates will be transformed:
type t4list.txt
:: transform all the templates
for /f %%d in (t4list.txt) do (
set file_name=%%d
set file_name=!file_name:~0,-3!.%extension%
echo: \--^> !file_name!
TextTransform.exe -out !file_name! %%d
echo transformation complete