What is the best or most concise method for returning a string repeated an arbitrary amount of times?
The following is my best shot so far:
Expanding P.Bailey's solution:
String.prototype.repeat = function(num) {
return new Array(isNaN(num)? 1 : ++num).join(this);
This way you should be safe from unexpected argument types:
var foo = 'bar';
alert(foo.repeat(3)); // Will work, "barbarbar"
alert(foo.repeat('3')); // Same as above
alert(foo.repeat(true)); // Same as foo.repeat(1)
alert(foo.repeat(0)); // This and all the following return an empty
alert(foo.repeat(false)); // string while not causing an exception
alert(foo.repeat({})); // Object
alert(foo.repeat(function () {})); // Function
EDIT: Credits to jerone for his elegant ++num