I have a multi-project (~10 modules) of which building takes about 20-30 seconds each time. When I press Run in Android Studio, I have to wait every time to rebuild the app,
Here's what helped this beginning Android programmer (former professional programmer, years ago) in speeding up Android Studio 2.2. I know this is a rehash, but, just summarizing in one place.
Initial builds can still be brutally slow, but restarts of running apps are now usually very tolerable. I'm using a sub-optimal PC: AMD Quad-Core A8-7410 CPU, 8MB RAM, non-SSD HD, Win 10. (And, this is my first Stack Overflow posting.... ;)
yes for "Offline work" (this is perhaps the most import setting).
yes for "Compile independent modules in parallel" (not sure if this does in fact help utilize multicore CPUs).
IN GRADLE SCRIPTS, "build.gradle (Module: app)":
defaultConfig {
// keep min high so that restarted apps can be hotswapped...obviously, this is hugely faster.
minSdkVersion 14
// enabling multidex support...does make big difference for me.
multiDexEnabled true
ALSO IN GRADLE SCRIPTS, "gradle.properties (Project Properties)":
org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx3048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
org.gradle.parallel=true org.gradle.daemon=true
Additionally, testing on a physical device instead of the emulator is working well for me; a small tablet that stands up is convenient.