In this specific case, is there a difference between using a member initializer list and assigning values in a constructor?

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北恋 2020-11-22 08:16

Internally and about the generated code, is there a really difference between :

MyClass::MyClass(): _capacity(15), _data(NULL), _len(0)

  •  南笙
    南笙 (楼主)
    2020-11-22 08:50

    You need to use initialization list to initialize constant members,references and base class

    When you need to initialize constant member, references and pass parameters to base class constructors, as mentioned in comments, you need to use initialization list.

    struct aa
        int i;
        const int ci;       // constant member
        aa() : i(0) {} // will fail, constant member not initialized
    struct aa
        int i;
        const int ci;
        aa() : i(0) { ci = 3;} // will fail, ci is constant
    struct aa
        int i;
        const int ci;
        aa() : i(0), ci(3) {} // works

    Example (non exhaustive) class/struct contains reference:

    struct bb {};
    struct aa
        bb& rb;
        aa(bb& b ) : rb(b) {}
    // usage:
    bb b;
    aa a(b);

    And example of initializing base class that requires a parameter (e.g. no default constructor):

    struct bb {};
    struct dd
        char c;
        dd(char x) : c(x) {}
    struct aa : dd
        bb& rb;
        aa(bb& b ) : dd('a'), rb(b) {}
