I need to convert seconds to \"Hour:Minute:Second\".
For example: \"685\" converted to \"00:11:25\"
How can I achieve this?
Just in case anyone else is looking for a simple function to return this nicely formatted (I know it is not the format the OP asked for), this is what I've just come up with. Thanks to @mughal for the code this was based on.
function format_timer_result($time_in_seconds){
$time_in_seconds = ceil($time_in_seconds);
// Check for 0
if ($time_in_seconds == 0){
return 'Less than a second';
// Days
$days = floor($time_in_seconds / (60 * 60 * 24));
$time_in_seconds -= $days * (60 * 60 * 24);
// Hours
$hours = floor($time_in_seconds / (60 * 60));
$time_in_seconds -= $hours * (60 * 60);
// Minutes
$minutes = floor($time_in_seconds / 60);
$time_in_seconds -= $minutes * 60;
// Seconds
$seconds = floor($time_in_seconds);
// Format for return
$return = '';
if ($days > 0){
$return .= $days . ' day' . ($days == 1 ? '' : 's'). ' ';
if ($hours > 0){
$return .= $hours . ' hour' . ($hours == 1 ? '' : 's') . ' ';
if ($minutes > 0){
$return .= $minutes . ' minute' . ($minutes == 1 ? '' : 's') . ' ';
if ($seconds > 0){
$return .= $seconds . ' second' . ($seconds == 1 ? '' : 's') . ' ';
$return = trim($return);
return $return;