I have a script called foo.R
that includes another script other.R
, which is in the same directory:
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
Steamer25's approach works, but only if there is no whitespace in the path. On macOS at least the cmdArgs[match]
returns something like /base/some~+~dir~+~with~+~whitespace/
for /base/some\ dir\ with\ whitespace/
I worked around this by replacing the "~+~" with a simple whitespace before returning it.
thisFile <- function() {
cmdArgs <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
needle <- "--file="
match <- grep(needle, cmdArgs)
if (length(match) > 0) {
# Rscript
path <- cmdArgs[match]
path <- gsub("\\~\\+\\~", " ", path)
return(normalizePath(sub(needle, "", path)))
} else {
# 'source'd via R console
Obviously you can still extend the else block like aprstar did.