I\'m trying to get a list of the names of all the files present in a directory using Node.js. I want output that is an array of filenames. How can I do this?
This is a TypeScript, optionally recursive, optionally error logging and asynchronous solution. You can specify a regular expression for the file names you want to find.
I used fs-extra
, because its an easy super set improvement on fs
import * as FsExtra from 'fs-extra'
* Finds files in the folder that match filePattern, optionally passing back errors .
* If folderDepth isn't specified, only the first level is searched. Otherwise anything up
* to Infinity is supported.
* @static
* @param {string} folder The folder to start in.
* @param {string} [filePattern='.*'] A regular expression of the files you want to find.
* @param {(Error[] | undefined)} [errors=undefined]
* @param {number} [folderDepth=0]
* @returns {Promise}
* @memberof FileHelper
public static async findFiles(
folder: string,
filePattern: string = '.*',
errors: Error[] | undefined = undefined,
folderDepth: number = 0
): Promise {
const results: string[] = []
// Get all files from the folder
let items = await FsExtra.readdir(folder).catch(error => {
if (errors) {
errors.push(error) // Save errors if we wish (e.g. folder perms issues)
return results
// Go through to the required depth and no further
folderDepth = folderDepth - 1
// Loop through the results, possibly recurse
for (const item of items) {
try {
const fullPath = Path.join(folder, item)
if (
FsExtra.statSync(fullPath).isDirectory() &&
folderDepth > -1)
) {
// Its a folder, recursively get the child folders' files
...(await FileHelper.findFiles(fullPath, filePattern, errors, folderDepth))
} else {
// Filter by the file name pattern, if there is one
if (filePattern === '.*' || item.search(new RegExp(filePattern, 'i')) > -1) {
} catch (error) {
if (errors) {
errors.push(error) // Save errors if we wish
return results