I want the hexadecimal representation of a Data value in Swift.
Eventually I\'d want to use it like this:
let data = Data(base64Encoded: \"aGVsbG8gd2
A bit different from other answers here:
extension DataProtocol {
func hexEncodedString(uppercase: Bool = false) -> String {
return self.map {
if $0 < 16 {
return "0" + String($0, radix: 16, uppercase: uppercase)
} else {
return String($0, radix: 16, uppercase: uppercase)
However in my basic XCTest + measure setup this was fastest of the 4 I tried.
Going through a 1000 bytes of (the same) random data 100 times each:
Above: Time average: 0.028 seconds, relative standard deviation: 1.3%
MartinR: Time average: 0.037 seconds, relative standard deviation: 6.2%
Zyphrax: Time average: 0.032 seconds, relative standard deviation: 2.9%
NickMoore: Time average: 0.039 seconds, relative standard deviation: 2.0%
Repeating the test returned the same relative results. (Nick and Martins sometimes swapped)