I\'m looking for a computationally efficient way to find local maxima/minima for a large list of numbers in R.
Hopefully without for
For exampl
In the case I'm working on, duplicates are frequent. So I have implemented a function that allows finding first or last extrema (min or max):
locate_xtrem <- function (x, last = FALSE)
# use rle to deal with duplicates
x_rle <- rle(x)
# force the first value to be identified as an extrema
first_value <- x_rle$values[1] - x_rle$values[2]
# differentiate the series, keep only the sign, and use 'rle' function to
# locate increase or decrease concerning multiple successive values.
# The result values is a series of (only) -1 and 1.
# ! NOTE: with this method, last value will be considered as an extrema
diff_sign_rle <- c(first_value, diff(x_rle$values)) %>% sign() %>% rle()
# this vector will be used to get the initial positions
diff_idx <- cumsum(diff_sign_rle$lengths)
# find min and max
diff_min <- diff_idx[diff_sign_rle$values < 0]
diff_max <- diff_idx[diff_sign_rle$values > 0]
# get the min and max indexes in the original series
x_idx <- cumsum(x_rle$lengths)
if (last) {
min <- x_idx[diff_min]
max <- x_idx[diff_max]
} else {
min <- x_idx[diff_min] - x_rle$lengths[diff_min] + 1
max <- x_idx[diff_max] - x_rle$lengths[diff_max] + 1
# just get number of occurences
min_nb <- x_rle$lengths[diff_min]
max_nb <- x_rle$lengths[diff_max]
# format the result as a tibble
tibble(Idx = min, Values = x[min], NB = min_nb, Status = "min"),
tibble(Idx = max, Values = x[max], NB = max_nb, Status = "max")) %>%
arrange(.data$Idx) %>%
mutate(Last = last) %>%
mutate_at(vars(.data$Idx, .data$NB), as.integer)
The answer to the original question is:
> x <- c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1)
> locate_xtrem(x)
# A tibble: 5 x 5
Idx Values NB Status Last
1 1 1 1 min FALSE
2 3 3 1 max FALSE
3 5 1 2 min FALSE
4 7 2 1 max FALSE
5 8 1 1 min FALSE
The result indicates that the second minimum is equal to 1 and that this value is repeated twice starting at index 5. Therefore, a different result could be obtained by indicating this time to the function to find the last occurrences of local extremas:
> locate_xtrem(x, last = TRUE)
# A tibble: 5 x 5
Idx Values NB Status Last
1 1 1 1 min TRUE
2 3 3 1 max TRUE
3 6 1 2 min TRUE
4 7 2 1 max TRUE
5 8 1 1 min TRUE
Depending on the objective, it is then possible to switch between the first and the last value of a local extremas. The second result with last = TRUE
could also be obtained from an operation between columns "Idx" and "NB"...
Finally to deal with noise in the data, a function could be implemented to remove fluctuations below a given threshold. Code is not exposed since it goes beyond the initial question. I have wrapped it in a package (mainly to automate the testing process) and I give below a result example:
x_series %>% xtrem::locate_xtrem()
x_series %>% xtrem::locate_xtrem() %>% remove_noise()