I know how to generate a random number in PHP but lets say I want a random number between 1-10 but I want more 3,4,5\'s then 8,9,10\'s. How is this possible? I would post wh
Plain and fair. Just copy/paste and test it.
* Return weighted probability
* @param (array) prob=>item
* @return key
function weightedRand($stream) {
$pos = mt_rand(1,array_sum(array_keys($stream)));
$em = 0;
foreach ($stream as $k => $v) {
$em += $k;
if ($em >= $pos)
return $v;
$item['30'] = 'I have more chances than everybody :]';
$item['10'] = 'I have good chances';
$item['1'] = 'I\'m difficult to appear...';
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
echo weightedRand($item).'
Edit: Added missing bracket at the end.