I am writing a pyqt application which require to execute admin task. I would prefer to start my script with elevate privilege. I am aware that this question is asked many ti
This worked for me:
import win32com.client as client
required_command = "cmd" # Enter your command here
required_password = "Simple1" # Enter your password here
def run_as(required_command, required_password):
shell = client.Dispatch("WScript.shell")
shell.Run(f"runas /user:administrator {required_command}")
shell.SendKeys(f"{required_password}\r\n", 0)
if __name__ = '__main__':
run_as(required_command, required_password)
Below are the references I used for above code: https://win32com.goermezer.de/microsoft/windows/controlling-applications-via-sendkeys.html https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/python-cookbook/0596001673/ch07s16.html