I have a URL string (NSString
) with spaces and &
characters. How do I url encode the entire string (including the &
This one is working for me.
func stringByAddingPercentEncodingForFormData(plusForSpace: Bool=false) -> String? {
let unreserved = "*-._"
let allowed = NSMutableCharacterSet.alphanumericCharacterSet()
if plusForSpace {
allowed.addCharactersInString(" ")
var encoded = stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(allowed)
if plusForSpace {
encoded = encoded?.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(" ",
withString: "+")
return encoded
I found the above function from this link: http://useyourloaf.com/blog/how-to-percent-encode-a-url-string/
You can also use this function with swift extension. Please let me know if there is any issue.