I\'m working on a website that uses gulp
to compile and browser sync to keep the browser synchronised with my changes.
The gulp task compiles everything
by going into my browsers console > network > style.css ...clicked on it and it showed "cannot get /path/to/my/CSS", this told me my link was wrong. i changed that to the path of my CSS file.
Original path before change was localhost:3000/Example/public/style.css changing it to localhost:3000/style.css solved it.
if you are serving the file from app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "public"))); or app.use(express.static("public")); your server would pass "that folder" to the browser so adding a "/yourCssName.css" link in your browser solves it
By adding other routes in your browser CSS link, you'd be telling the browser to search for the css in route specified.
in summary... check where your browser CSS link points to.