Is there any way that I can check if an element is visible in pure JS (no jQuery) ?
So, for example, in this page: Performance Bikes, if you hover over Deals (on the
The accepted answer did not worked for me.Year 2020 answer:
1) The (elem.offsetParent !== null) method works fine in Firefox but not in Chrome. For Chrome "position: fixed;" will also make offsetParent return "null" even the element if visible in the page.
//different results in Chrome and Firefox
console.log(document.querySelector('#hidden1').offsetParent); //null Chrome & Firefox
console.log(document.querySelector('#fixed1').offsetParent); //null in Chrome, not null in Firefox
you can see this guy megatest (run it with multiple browsers to see the differences).
2) The (getComputedStyle(elem).display !== 'none') do not work because the element can be invisible because one of the parents display property is set to none, getComputedStyle will not catch that.
var child1 = document.querySelector('#child1');
//child will show "block" instead of "none"
3) The (elem.clientHeight !== 0). This method is not influenced by position fixed and it also check if element parents are not-visible. But it has problems with simple elements that do not have a css layout, see more here
console.log(document.querySelector('#div1').clientHeight); //not zero
console.log(document.querySelector('#span1').clientHeight); //zero
test1 div
test2 span
4) The (elem.getClientRects().length !== 0) that seem to overpass the problems of the previous 3 methods. However it has problems with elements that use CSS tricks (other then "display:none") to hide in the page.
not visible 1
not visible 2
not visible 3
CONCLUSION: So what I have showed you is that no method is perfect. To make a proper visibility check you must use a combination of the last 3 methods.