How can I create a zip archive of a directory structure in Python?
Here is a variation on the answer given by Nux that works for me:
def WriteDirectoryToZipFile( zipHandle, srcPath, zipLocalPath = "", zipOperation = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED ):
basePath = os.path.split( srcPath )[ 0 ]
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( srcPath ):
p = os.path.join( zipLocalPath, root [ ( len( basePath ) + 1 ) : ] )
# add dir
zipHandle.write( root, p, zipOperation )
# add files
for f in files:
filePath = os.path.join( root, f )
fileInZipPath = os.path.join( p, f )
zipHandle.write( filePath, fileInZipPath, zipOperation )