There doesn\'t seem to be a way to extend an existing JavaScript array with another array, i.e. to emulate Python\'s extend
I want to achieve th
Update 2018: A better answer is a newer one of mine: a.push(...b)
. Don't upvote this one anymore, as it never really answered the question, but it was a 2015 hack around first-hit-on-Google :)
For those that simply searched for "JavaScript array extend" and got here, you can very well use Array.concat
var a = [1, 2, 3];
a = a.concat([5, 4, 3]);
Concat will return a copy the new array, as thread starter didn't want. But you might not care (certainly for most kind of uses this will be fine).
There's also some nice ECMAScript 6 sugar for this in the form of the spread operator:
const a = [1, 2, 3];
const b = [...a, 5, 4, 3];
(It also copies.)