I need to remove a highly referenced table in a SQL Server database. How can I get a list of all the foreign key constraints I will need to remove in order to drop the tabl
The following solution work for me:
--Eliminar las llaves foraneas
declare @query varchar(8000)
declare cursorRecorrerTabla cursor for
SELECT 'ALTER TABLE [PoaComFinH].['+sch.name+'].['+referencingTable.Name+'] DROP CONSTRAINT ['+foreignKey.name+']' 'query'
FROM PoaComFinH.sys.foreign_key_columns fk
JOIN PoaComFinH.sys.tables referencingTable ON fk.parent_object_id = referencingTable.object_id
JOIN PoaComFinH.sys.schemas sch ON referencingTable.schema_id = sch.schema_id
JOIN PoaComFinH.sys.objects foreignKey ON foreignKey.object_id = fk.constraint_object_id
JOIN PoaComFinH.sys.tables referencedTable ON fk.referenced_object_id = referencedTable.object_id
--3ro. abrir el cursor.
open cursorRecorrerTabla
fetch next from cursorRecorrerTabla
into @query
while @@fetch_status = 0
--inicio cuerpo del cursor
print @query
--fin cuerpo del cursor
fetch next from cursorRecorrerTabla
into @query
--cerrar cursor
close cursorRecorrerTabla
deallocate cursorRecorrerTabla