I prefer to use OOP in large scale projects like the one I\'m working on right now. I need to create several classes in JavaScript but, if I\'m not mistaken, there are at le
Based on the example of Triptych, this might even be simpler:
// Define a class and instantiate it
var ThePerson = new function Person(name, gender) {
// Add class data members
this.name = name;
this.gender = gender;
// Add class methods
this.hello = function () { alert('Hello, this is ' + this.name); }
}("Bob", "M"); // this instantiates the 'new' object
// Use the object
ThePerson.hello(); // alerts "Hello, this is Bob"
This only creates a single object instance, but is still useful if you want to encapsulate a bunch of names for variable and methods in a class. Normally there would not be the "Bob, M" arguments to the constructor, for example if the methods would be calls to a system with its own data, such as a database or network.
I am still too new with JS to see why this does not use the prototype