Does anyone have an Excel VBA function which can return the column letter(s) from a number?
For example, entering 100 should return CV
Sub GiveAddress()
Dim Chara As String
Chara = ""
Dim Num As Integer
Dim ColNum As Long
ColNum = InputBox("Input the column number")
If ColNum < 27 Then
Chara = Chr(ColNum + 64) & Chara
Exit Do
Num = ColNum / 26
If (Num * 26) > ColNum Then Num = Num - 1
If (Num * 26) = ColNum Then Num = ((ColNum - 1) / 26) - 1
Chara = Chr((ColNum - (26 * Num)) + 64) & Chara
ColNum = Num
End If
MsgBox "Address is '" & Chara & "'."
End Sub