I know this question has been asked before but I still haven\'t seen a satisfactory answer, or a definitive \"no, this cannot be done\", so I\'ll ask again!
All I wa
C++17, windows, unicode, using filesystem new api:
#include "..\Project.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace filesystem;
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t** argv)
auto dir = weakly_canonical(path(argv[0])).parent_path();
printf("%S", dir.c_str());
return 0;
Suspect this solution should be portable, but don't know how unicode is implemented on other OS's.
weakly_canonical is needed only if you use as Output Directory upper folder references ('..') to simplify path. If you don't use it - remove it.
If you're operating from dynamic link library (.dll /.so), then you might not have argv, then you can consider following solution:
#pragma once
// https://en.cppreference.com/w/User:D41D8CD98F/feature_testing_macros
#ifdef __cpp_lib_filesystem
namespace std {
namespace filesystem = experimental::filesystem;
std::filesystem::path getexepath();
#include "application.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include //GetModuleFileNameW
#include //readlink
std::filesystem::path getexepath()
#ifdef _WIN32
wchar_t path[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, path, MAX_PATH);
return path;
char result[PATH_MAX];
ssize_t count = readlink("/proc/self/exe", result, PATH_MAX);
return std::string(result, (count > 0) ? count : 0);