Edit: Since it appears that there\'s either no solution, or I\'m doing something so non-standard that nobody knows - I\'ll revise my question to also ask: What is the best w
As per a request by @user5359531 in the comments under @John T's answer, here's a copy of the referenced post to the revised version of the linked discussion in that answer:
Issue of redirecting the stdout to both file and screen
Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at yahoo.com.ar
Mon May 28 12:45:51 CEST 2007
Previous message: Issue of redirecting the stdout to both file and screen
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En Mon, 28 May 2007 06:17:39 -0300, 人言落日是天涯,望极天涯不见家
> I wanna print the log to both the screen and file, so I simulatered a
> 'tee'
> class Tee(file):
> def __init__(self, name, mode):
> file.__init__(self, name, mode)
> self.stdout = sys.stdout
> sys.stdout = self
> def __del__(self):
> sys.stdout = self.stdout
> self.close()
> def write(self, data):
> file.write(self, data)
> self.stdout.write(data)
> Tee('logfile', 'w')
> print >>sys.stdout, 'abcdefg'
> I found that it only output to the file, nothing to screen. Why?
> It seems the 'write' function was not called when I *print* something.
You create a Tee instance and it is immediately garbage collected. I'd
restore sys.stdout on Tee.close, not __del__ (you forgot to call the
inherited __del__ method, btw).
Mmm, doesn't work. I think there is an optimization somewhere: if it looks
like a real file object, it uses the original file write method, not yours.
The trick would be to use an object that does NOT inherit from file:
import sys
class TeeNoFile(object):
def __init__(self, name, mode):
self.file = open(name, mode)
self.stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = self
def close(self):
if self.stdout is not None:
sys.stdout = self.stdout
self.stdout = None
if self.file is not None:
self.file = None
def write(self, data):
def flush(self):
def __del__(self):
tee=TeeNoFile('logfile', 'w')
print 'abcdefg'
print 'another line'
print 'screen only'
del tee # should do nothing
Gabriel Genellina