I have some kind of test data and want to create a unit test for each item. My first idea was to do it like this:
import unittest
l = [[\"foo\", \"a\", \"a\
I came across ParamUnittest the other day when looking at the source code to radon (example usage on the github repo). It should work with other frameworks that extend TestCase (like Nose).
Here is an example:
import unittest
import paramunittest
('1', '2'),
#(4, 3), <---- uncomment to have a failing test
('2', '3'),
(('4', ), {'b': '5'}),
((), {'a': 5, 'b': 6}),
{'a': 5, 'b': 6},
class TestBar(TestCase):
def setParameters(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b
def testLess(self):
self.assertLess(self.a, self.b)