I need to split a string into newlines in .NET and the only way I know of to split strings is with the Split method. However that will not allow me to (easily) split on a ne
Try to avoid using string.Split for a general solution, because you'll use more memory everywhere you use the function -- the original string, and the split copy, both in memory. Trust me that this can be one hell of a problem when you start to scale -- run a 32-bit batch-processing app processing 100MB documents, and you'll crap out at eight concurrent threads. Not that I've been there before...
Instead, use an iterator like this;
public static IEnumerable SplitToLines(this string input)
if (input == null)
yield break;
using (System.IO.StringReader reader = new System.IO.StringReader(input))
string line;
while( (line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
yield return line;
This will allow you to do a more memory efficient loop around your data;
foreach(var line in document.SplitToLines())
// one line at a time...
Of course, if you want it all in memory, you can do this;
var allTheLines = document.SplitToLines.ToArray();