I am trying to import a .sql file and its failing on creating tables.
Here\'s the query that fails:
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NUL
I faced this kind of issue while creating DB from the textfile.
mysql -uroot -padmin < E:\important\sampdb\createdb.sql
mysql -uroot -padmin sampdb < E:\important\sampdb\create_student.sql
mysql -uroot -padmin sampdb < E:\important\sampdb\create_absence.sql
mysql -uroot -padmin sampdb < E:\important\sampdb\insert_student.sql
mysql -uroot -padmin sampdb < E:\important\sampdb\insert_absence.sql
mysql -uroot -padmin sampdb < E:\important\sampdb\load_student.sql
mysql -uroot -padmin sampdb < E:\important\sampdb\load_absence.sql
I just wrote the above lines in Create.bat
and run the bat file.
My mistake is in the sequence order of execution in my sql files. I tried to create table with primary key and also foreign key. While its running it will search for the reference table but tables are not there. So it will return those kind of error.
If you creating tables with foreign key then check the reference tables were present or not. And also check the name of the reference tables and fields.