I have a ListComponent. When an item is clicked in ListComponent, the details of that item should be shown in DetailComponent. Both are on the screen at the same time, so
Behaviour subjects. I wrote a blog about that.
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject';
private noId = new BehaviorSubject(0);
defaultId = this.noId.asObservable();
newId(urlId) {
In this example i am declaring a noid behavior subject of type number. Also it is an observable. And if "something happend" this will change with the new(){} function.
So, in the sibling's components, one will call the function, to make the change, and the other one will be affected by that change, or vice-versa.
For example, I get the id from the URL and update the noid from the behavior subject.
public getId () {
const id = +this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');
return id;
ngOnInit(): void {
const id = +this.getId ();
And from the other side, I can ask if that ID is "what ever i want" and make a choice after that, in my case if i want to delte a task, and that task is the current url, it have to redirect me to the home:
delete(task: Task): void {
//we save the id , cuz after the delete function, we gonna lose it
const oldId = task.id;
.subscribe(task => { //we call the defaultId function from task.service.
this.taskService.defaultId //here we are subscribed to the urlId, which give us the id from the view task
.subscribe(urlId => {
this.urlId = urlId ;
if (oldId == urlId ) {
// Location.call('/home');