I want to parse a string like \"3.5\"
to a double. However,
yields 35 and
I think it is the best answer:
public static double StringToDouble(string toDouble)
toDouble = toDouble.Replace(",", "."); //Replace every comma with dot
//Count dots in toDouble, and if there is more than one dot, throw an exception.
//Value such as "123.123.123" can't be converted to double
int dotCount = 0;
foreach (char c in toDouble) if (c == '.') dotCount++; //Increments dotCount for each dot in toDouble
if (dotCount > 1) throw new Exception(); //If in toDouble is more than one dot, it means that toCount is not a double
string left = toDouble.Split('.')[0]; //Everything before the dot
string right = toDouble.Split('.')[1]; //Everything after the dot
int iLeft = int.Parse(left); //Convert strings to ints
int iRight = int.Parse(right);
//We must use Math.Pow() instead of ^
double d = iLeft + (iRight * Math.Pow(10, -(right.Length)));
return d;