I\'d like to traverse a JSON object tree, but cannot find any library for that. It doesn\'t seem difficult but it feels like reinventing the wheel.
In XML there are
A JSON object is simply a Javascript object. That's actually what JSON stands for: JavaScript Object Notation. So you'd traverse a JSON object however you'd choose to "traverse" a Javascript object in general.
In ES2017 you would do:
Object.entries(jsonObj).forEach(([key, value]) => {
// do something with key and val
You can always write a function to recursively descend into the object:
function traverse(jsonObj) {
if( jsonObj !== null && typeof jsonObj == "object" ) {
Object.entries(jsonObj).forEach(([key, value]) => {
// key is either an array index or object key
else {
// jsonObj is a number or string
This should be a good starting point. I highly recommend using modern javascript methods for such things, since they make writing such code much easier.