I\'m working on a Linux machine through SSH (Putty). I need to leave a process running during the night, so I thought I could do that by starting the process in background (
Accepted answer suggest using nohup. I would rather suggest using pm2. Using pm2 over nohup has many advantages, like keeping the application alive, maintain log files for application and lot more other features. For more detail check this out.
To install pm2 you need to download npm. For Debian based system
sudo apt-get install npm
and for Redhat
sudo yum install npm
Or you can follow these instruction. After installing npm use it to install pm2
npm install pm2@latest -g
Once its done you can start your application by
$ pm2 start app.js # Start, Daemonize and auto-restart application (Node)
$ pm2 start app.py # Start, Daemonize and auto-restart application (Python)
For process monitoring use following commands:
$ pm2 list # List all processes started with PM2
$ pm2 monit # Display memory and cpu usage of each app
$ pm2 show [app-name] # Show all informations about application
Manage processes using either app name or process id or manage all processes together:
$ pm2 stop
$ pm2 restart
$ pm2 delete
Log files can be found in
$HOME/.pm2/logs #contain all applications logs
Binary executable files can also be run using pm2. You have to made a change into the jason file. Change the "exec_interpreter" : "node"
, to "exec_interpreter" : "none".
(see the attributes section).
#include //No standard C library
int main(void)
printf("Hello World\n");
sleep (100);
printf("Hello World\n");
return 0;
Compiling above code
gcc -o hello hello.c
and run it with np2 in the background
pm2 start ./hello