I\'m working on a Linux machine through SSH (Putty). I need to leave a process running during the night, so I thought I could do that by starting the process in background (
is very good if you want to log your details to a file. But when it goes to background you are unable to give it a password if your scripts ask for. I think you must try screen
. its a utility you can install on your linux distribution using yum for example on CentOS yum install screen
then access your server via putty or another software, in your shell type screen
. It will open screen[0] in putty. Do your work. You can create more screen[1], screen[2], etc in same putty session.
Basic commands you need to know:
To start screen
To create next screen
To move to next screen you created
To detach
During work close your putty. And next time when you login via putty type
To reconnect to your screen, and you can see your process still running on screen. And to exit the screen type #exit.
For more details see man screen