I have scripts calling other script files but I need to get the filepath of the file that is currently running within the process.
For example, let\'s say I have th
I wrote a function which take into account eclipse debugger and unittest. It return the folder of the first script you launch. You can optionally specify the __file__ var, but the main thing is that you don't have to share this variable across all your calling hierarchy.
Maybe you can handle others stack particular cases I didn't see, but for me it's ok.
import inspect, os
def getRootDirectory(_file_=None):
Get the directory of the root execution file
Can help: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/50499/how-do-i-get-the-path-and-name-of-the-file-that-is-currently-executing
For eclipse user with unittest or debugger, the function search for the correct folder in the stack
You can pass __file__ (with 4 underscores) if you want the caller directory
# If we don't have the __file__ :
if _file_ is None:
# We get the last :
rootFile = inspect.stack()[-1][1]
folder = os.path.abspath(rootFile)
# If we use unittest :
if ("/pysrc" in folder) & ("org.python.pydev" in folder):
previous = None
# We search from left to right the case.py :
for el in inspect.stack():
currentFile = os.path.abspath(el[1])
if ("unittest/case.py" in currentFile) | ("org.python.pydev" in currentFile):
previous = currentFile
folder = previous
# We return the folder :
return os.path.dirname(folder)
# We return the folder according to specified __file__ :
return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(_file_))