How do I use a progress bar when my script is doing some task that is likely to take time?
For example, a function which takes some time to complete and returns
If it is a big loop with a fixed amount of iterations that is taking a lot of time you can use this function I made. Each iteration of loop adds progress. Where count is the current iteration of the loop, total is the value you are looping to and size(int) is how big you want the bar in increments of 10 i.e. (size 1 =10 chars, size 2 =20 chars)
import sys
def loadingBar(count,total,size):
percent = float(count)/float(total)*100
sys.stdout.write("\r" + str(int(count)).rjust(3,'0')+"/"+str(int(total)).rjust(3,'0') + ' [' + '='*int(percent/10)*size + ' '*(10-int(percent/10))*size + ']')
for i in range(0,100):
#do some code
i = 50
>> 050/100 [========== ]