For a new node.js project I\'m working on, I\'m thinking about switching over from a cookie based session approach (by this, I mean, storing an id to a key-value store conta
If you want to be able to revoke user tokens, you can keep track of all issued tokens on your DB and check if they're valid (exist) on a session-like table. The downside is that you'll hit the DB on every request.
I haven't tried it, but i suggest the following method to allow token revocation while keeping DB hits to a minimum -
To lower the database checks rate, divide all issued JWT tokens into X groups according to some deterministic association (e.g., 10 groups by first digit of the user id).
Each JWT token will hold the group id and a timestamp created upon token creation. e.g., { "group_id": 1, "timestamp": 1551861473716 }
The server will hold all group ids in memory and each group will have a timestamp that indicates when was the last log-out event of a user belonging to that group.
e.g., { "group1": 1551861473714, "group2": 1551861487293, ... }
Requests with a JWT token that have an older group timestamp, will be checked for validity (DB hit) and if valid, a new JWT token with a fresh timestamp will be issued for client's future use. If the token's group timestamp is newer, we trust the JWT (No DB hit).
So -