Are there any methods to do so? I was looking but couldn\'t find any.
Another question: I need these methods so I can filter files.
Some are AND
The solution marked is not efficient. It has a O(n^2) time complexity. What we can do is to sort both lists, and the execute an intersection algorithm as the one below.
private static ArrayList interesect(ArrayList f, ArrayList s) {
ArrayList res = new ArrayList();
int i = 0, j = 0;
while (i != f.size() && j != s.size()) {
if (f.get(i) < s.get(j)) {
i ++;
} else if (f.get(i) > s.get(j)) {
j ++;
} else {
i ++; j ++;
return res;
This one has a complexity of O(n log n + n) which is in O(n log n). The union is done in a similar manner. Just make sure you make the suitable modifications on the if-elseif-else statements.
You can also use iterators if you want (I know they are more efficient in C++, I dont know if this is true in Java as well).