I have a CSS file that looks fine when I open it using gedit, but when it\'s read by PHP (to merge all the CSS files into one), this CSS has the following characters prepend
Here is another good solution for the problem with BOM. These are two VBScript (.vbs) scripts.
One for finding the BOM in a file and one for KILLING the damned BOM in the file. It works pretty fine and is easy to use.
Just create a .vbs file, and paste the following code in it.
You can use the VBScript script simply by dragging and dropping the suspicious file onto the .vbs file. It will tell you if there is a BOM or not.
' Heiko Jendreck - personal helpdesk & webdesign
' http://www.phw-jendreck.de
' 2010.05.10 Vers 1.0
' find_BOM.vbs
' ====================
' Kleines Hilfsmittel, welches das BOM finden soll
Const UTF8_BOM = ""
Const UTF16BE_BOM = "þÿ"
Const UTF16LE_BOM = "ÿþ"
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Dim fso
Set fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim f
f = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
Dim t
t = fso.OpenTextFile(f, ForReading).ReadAll
If Left(t, 3) = UTF8_BOM Then
MsgBox "UTF-8-BOM detected!"
ElseIf Left(t, 2) = UTF16BE_BOM Then
MsgBox "UTF-16-BOM (Big Endian) detected!"
ElseIf Left(t, 2) = UTF16LE_BOM Then
MsgBox "UTF-16-BOM (Little Endian) detected!"
MsgBox "No BOM detected!"
End If
If it tells you there is BOM, go and create the second .vbs file with the following code and drag the suspicios file onto the .vbs file.
' Heiko Jendreck - personal helpdesk & webdesign
' http://www.phw-jendreck.de
' 2010.05.10 Vers 1.0
' kill_BOM.vbs
' ====================
' Kleines Hilfmittel, welches das gefundene BOM löschen soll
Const UTF8_BOM = ""
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Dim fso
Set fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim f
f = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
Dim t
t = fso.OpenTextFile(f, ForReading).ReadAll
If Left(t, 3) = UTF8_BOM Then
fso.OpenTextFile(f, ForWriting).Write (Mid(t, 4))
MsgBox "BOM gelöscht!"
MsgBox "Kein UTF-8-BOM vorhanden!"
End If
The code is from Heiko Jendreck.