We have installed applications programmatically.
This code is used to check weather your application with package name is installed or not if not then it will open playstore link of your app otherwise your installed app
String your_apppackagename="com.app.testing";
PackageManager packageManager = getPackageManager();
ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = null;
try {
applicationInfo = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(your_apppackagename, 0);
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
if (applicationInfo == null) {
// not installed it will open your app directly on playstore
startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=" + your_apppackagename)));
} else {
// Installed
Intent LaunchIntent = packageManager.getLaunchIntentForPackage(your_apppackagename);
startActivity( LaunchIntent );