I know what is for... in
loop (it iterates over key), but heard the first time about for... of
(it iterates over value).
I am confused with
There are some already defined data types which allows us to iterate over them easily e.g Array, Map, String Objects
Normal for in iterates over the iterator and in response provides us with the keys that are in the order of insertion as shown in below example.
const numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];
for(let number in number) {
// result: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
Now if we try same with for of, then in response it provides us with the values not the keys. e.g
const numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];
for(let numbers of numbers) {
// result: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
So looking at both of the iterators we can easily differentiate the difference between both of them.
Note:- For of only works with the Symbol.iterator
So if we try to iterate over normal object, then it will give us an error e.g-
const Room = {
area: 1000,
height: 7,
floor: 2
for(let prop in Room) {
// Result area, height, floor
for(let prop of Room) {
Room is not iterable
Now for iterating over we need to define an ES6 Symbol.iterator e.g
const Room= {
area: 1000, height: 7, floor: 2,
[Symbol.iterator]: function* (){
yield this.area;
yield this.height;
yield this.floors;
for(let prop of Room) {
//Result 1000, 7, 2
This is the difference between For in and For of. Hope that it might clear the difference.