I have data like this:
string 1: 003Preliminary Examination Plan
string 2: Coordination005
string 3: Balance1000sheet
The output I exp
Although this is an old thread its the first in google search, I came up with a different answer than what came before. This will allow you to pass your criteria for what to keep within a string, whatever that criteria might be. You can put it in a function to call over and over again if you want.
declare @String VARCHAR(MAX) = '-123. a 456-78(90)'
declare @MatchExpression VARCHAR(255) = '%[0-9]%'
declare @return varchar(max)
WHILE PatIndex(@MatchExpression, @String) > 0
set @return = CONCAT(@return, SUBSTRING(@string,patindex(@matchexpression, @string),1))
SET @String = Stuff(@String, PatIndex(@MatchExpression, @String), 1, '')
select (@return)