// Other variables
$file_name = $_FILES[$upload_name][\'name\'];
//echo \"testing-\".$file_name.\"
//$file_name = strtolower
PHP complains because end()
expects a reference to something that it wants to change (which can be a variable only). You however pass the result of explode()
directly to end()
without saving it to a variable first. At the moment when explode()
returns your value, it exists only in memory and no variable points to it. You cannot create a reference to something (or to something unknown in the memory), that does not exists.
Or in other words: PHP does not know, if the value you give him is the direct value or just a pointer to the value (a pointer is also a variable (integer), which stores the offset of the memory, where the actual value resides). So PHP expects here a pointer (reference) always.
But since this is still just a notice (not even deprecated) in PHP 7, you can savely ignore notices and use the ignore-operator instead of completely deactivating error reporting for notices:
$file_extension = @end(explode('.', $file_name));