As of C# 6, the answer to this question is:
SomeEvent?.Invoke(this, e);
I frequently hear/read the fo
I truly enjoyed this read - not! Even though I need it to work with the C# feature called events!
Why not fix this in the compiler? I know there are MS people who read these posts, so please don't flame this!
1 - the Null issue) Why not make events be .Empty instead of null in the first place? How many lines of code would be saved for null check or having to stick a = delegate {}
onto the declaration? Let the compiler handle the Empty case, IE do nothing! If it all matters to the creator of the event, they can check for .Empty and do whatever they care with it! Otherwise all the null checks / delegate adds are hacks around the problem!
Honestly I'm tired of having to do this with every event - aka boilerplate code!
public event Action Some;
protected virtual void DoSomeEvent(string someValue)
var e = Some; // avoid race condition here!
if(null != e) // avoid null condition here!
e(this, someValue);
2 - the race condition issue) I read Eric's blog post, I agree that the H (handler) should handle when it dereferences itself, but cannot the event be made immutable/thread safe? IE, set a lock flag on its creation, so that whenever it is called, it locks all subscribing and un-subscribing to it while its executing?
Are not modern day languages supposed to solve problems like these for us?